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Update on Akari Care’s response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) infection 22 April 2020

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Update on Akari Care’s response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) infection 22 April 2020

The wellbeing and safety of our residents and staff members remains our most important priority at the current time. We would again like to take this opportunity to thank all of our residents and their families and friends for their ongoing understanding as Akari Care continues to respond to the COVID-19 virus.

Families and friends

The purpose of this notice is to provide an update on our response to the virus since our last update provided on 3 April 2020. You may also be aware that the Government has also published updated guidance on 15 April 2020 regarding COVID-19 and its impact on social care. This updated guidance covers a wide variety of topics including specific guidance on end of life care.

The Government’s updated guidance is in line with policies which we had already adopted at Akari Care, where in suspending non-essential visits to our care homes, we have continued to allow and facilitate visits for immediate family in exceptional circumstances including for any of our residents who are being supported on the end of life pathway. Such visits have been, and continue to be possible, through arrangement direct with the Home Manager or person in charge by telephone only. Any permitted visitors must also observe the strict hygiene and infection control procedures which are in place in each of our homes and ensure that they are symptom free and have not had contact with anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19.

Regrettably, we have had a small number of family members and friends who have not been respectful of Akari Care’s policies and processes that we have put in place to manage visits to our care homes. These procedures have been put in place to safeguard our residents and staff members as well as family members and must be respected.

We would remind all of the family and friends of our residents that we have put in place tablets that can be used to enjoy remote contact with our residents through Skype or WhatsApp. Facilities for telephone calls remain in place. Our staff are also continuing to support residents with letter writing.

We are continuing to do our best to make sure that life within our care homes remains as comfortable and normal as possible, whilst respecting and following the Government’s continuing guidance. We are also continuing to keep our news and social media platforms regularly updated with activities and day to day life in our homes. Links to these platforms are as follows:


Twitter                 –  

Facebook            –  

News                    –  


Our staff team

We continue to be thankful for the continuing efforts of our wonderful staff team throughout the business. Whilst it remains the case that we have higher numbers of staff than normal who are in isolation or sickness leave, we also have staff returning to work daily.

Our staff team deserve our collective thanks and appreciation for all their hard work, in what can sometimes be

difficult circumstances, to maintain the wellbeing of all of our residents. We remain extremely proud of our staff team. Thank you for your continuing messages of support for them.


We have received several questions about the availability of PPE in our homes. We expect usage of PPE to increase reflecting how Government guidance has changed during the virus outbreak. Currently, we have been able to source and maintain stocks of face masks, gloves, aprons and eye protection. But, we are not in any way complacent since the sourcing of PPE is an ongoing task, which is not always straight forward, and I’m sure you’ve read about the difficulties faced by the NHS. However, we remain thankful for the effort of our procurement team in ensuring that stocks of PPE remain in place throughout all of our care homes.

Impact of COVID-19

Tragically, we have had residents who have been confirmed with COVID-19 and have passed away. We are deeply saddened by any loss which is caused by COVID-19 and extend our sympathies and condolences to residents and their family members and friends impacted.

We appreciate how difficult it is when regular visiting cannot occur as normal and you will understandably be concerned for your loved one. We will continue to inform family members if COVID-19 impacts either their loved one directly or if it impacts elsewhere within a home in which their loved one resides. This update will be provided by telephone.

We appreciate that this continues to be a worrying time and the current and continuing safety of our residents, staff and visitors is our main priority. We will continue to review our procedures on a day to day basis, based on advice and guidance received. We will update our website with any significant changes to these procedures.

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Home Manager or person in charge by telephone in the first instance and we will keep you updated with any further developments. Alternatively, please contact us by email at [email protected]

Thank you for your continuing support and understanding.


Karen Harkin

Chief Operating Officer